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When rats experience stress, they may release a red fluid from a gland behind their eyes. This will often occur if they experience illness or injury. Look for this liquid, which resembles blood, around your pet's nose and eyes. This depends on a number of factors, including how many rats you own, how many of these rats are showing clinical signs and how old your rats are. The answer is different for different scenarios, so speak to your rat vet about your situation, and they can give you a more personalised treatment plan. Other bacteria and viruses that can be a component of respiratory disease are usually transferred by aerosolisation.
An upper respiratory infection is typically referred to as the common cold. They tend to strike seasonally during the late fall and winter months. The best way to treat a rat respiratory infection, as I have found, is to give it a dose of antibiotics.
Cat upper respiratory infection death
Some may require surgical removal while other tumors can be treated with medication. You could bathe eye in salted warm water but for infection try collodial silver, 3x a day. Borax remedy is 1/8 tsp mixed in 1 liter of drinking water. Hydrogen peroxide uses the 3% solution, one capful is mixed in 1 liter of drinking water. Reply to Brenda and her two rats --- read up on EC the Bill Munro Hydrogen Peroxyde inhalation method.
I think the reason for that is because the rat’s instinct is to run away and get as far away from the water as possible, so the spray of water is very effective at killing it quick. I don’t think that this method would work on cats, but I would be surprised if it ever would work on mice or other rodents. Had I known about hydrogen peroxide earlier and begun treatment earlier , I truly believe she would have beaten the cancer and lived. I was reading about someone who succesfully cured respiratory infection with borax for a rats but I couldn't find it. Inspect your rat's eyes and nose to look for a red secretion.
Home Treatment Chart
It's our favorite rat but we feel she is going trough a lot. She lost a lot of weight, so tiny and I was wondering how I could help her. Orange juice is said to cause cancer in males rats.
A health-foods store might have some, but it will be diluted and expensive. We have it in our household for several uses and I never would have thought about using it for rats..... Combing the full dose of medication with some flour and cookie dough to make "medicine balls."
Castor Oil
Your vet will conduct a physical exam to check for signs of respiratory infection to make their diagnosis. When rats hold themselves in a hunched up position, it is usually a sign of distress. This posture generally indicates pain, discomfort, or sickness.

After 7 days of antibiotics your rat should start to recover from its respiratory ailment. If your rat's symptoms don't start to subside by this point, bring it back to your vet for a second evaluation. Your vet may need to prescribe a stronger dose or switch to a different antibiotic treatment altogether. Highly recommend, caring and compassionate no matter how small your pet. Thank you to the unusual pet vets for treating our very sick little mouse Moon, she came back to full health and is now enjoying life in a new home with new cage mates.
Respiratory Distress
The type and condition of the bedding, cleanliness of the environment your rat lives in, and various diseases and infections can all cause respiratory distress in your pet rat. In my dentist office I have a number of patients that have respiratory infections, and when I’m treating them, I always ask that the patient go to the dentist first. When you are treating a rat, you want to make sure you are treating it with a proper medication. The first and most important step in treating your rat’s respiratory infection is to keep their cage clean.

Listen for a clicking sound from your rat's sinuses. If your pet rat is congested, its sinuses will likely be filled with fluid. If this is the case you will likely hear a clicking sound, which will occur even when your rat is not moving its mouth or body. While watching or playing with your rat, listen carefully for a clicking noise that seems to originate from its head or face. To see if your rat's sneezing is due to a simple nasal irritation, clean its cage. The sneezing should subside after the allergen is removed from your pet's environment.
This chart is beautifully illustrated and packed with an extensive treatment list to help you select the right herbal remedy and the correct dose in no time. There is a dosage indicator on the chart that couldn't be simpler to use, no math calculations to figure, we've done all that for you. Your rat will benefit from some extra TLC, including lots of warm bedding such as polar fleece, warm food and plenty of water. If your rat lives outside, consider bringing it inside, especially during the cold winter months, as cold weather can exacerbate respiratory disease. Home remedies for respiratory tract infections are simple and hassle-free techniques which can be practiced at home easily.
If you don’t see the rat dying in a day or two, get a dose of a prophylactic antibiotic as quickly as you can. You can also take an anti-fungal medicine like clotrimazole or tetracycline as an alternative treatment if they have no effect on the rat. Another way to help prevent respiratory infections is to make sure their cage is well-ventilated. Rats are prone to respiratory problems because they have such delicate lungs, so it’s important that they have plenty of fresh air circulating at all times. If possible, set up a small fan in their room or near their cage to help circulate the air and keep their lungs healthy.
Therefore, it is advisable always to isolate the affected pet from the rest because the disease is highly contagious. Well, without much ado, upper respiratory infection in cats is an infection of the cat’s respiratory system and is the feline version of the human cold. Using a specialised nebuliser, which turns drugs into a vapour, medications can be directly delivered to the airways. Nebulisation can also be used to help remove mucous that can build up in airways during chronic respiratory infections. They will not treat your URI, which is a viral infection.

As such, the symptoms of the diseases in human beings are similar to those in cats. For your protection, this site is SSL certified safe. Additionally, is a verified company that has gone through security and identity screening. Professionally, the charts can be used to teach veterinary holistic workshops in natural healthcare. They have been used in schools of natural healing as part of their veterinary curriculum. If you are in a holistic healthcare profession and would like to become a retailer, be sure to visit our Wholesale Opportunities page.
Every time the immune system is beaten down until nothing works. Be critical and do research under holistic research. You can use 3% hydrogen peroxide as a topical disinfectant - pour on straight or mix 50/50 with water. If you don't already have these things, it may be cheaper to get Doxy/Baytril and actually treat the infection instead of just alleviating symptoms.
It is an economical option and can be removed and replaced easily. Rats are often seen at the animal hospital for breathing issues, and these problems usually come on quickly. Knowing what causes breathing problems in rats, how to prevent them from occurring, and how they are treated is important for a rat owner to understand.
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